Atlanta Braves Celebrate Citizenship Day!
Braves Give
Published in
2 min readOct 13, 2015


By Braves Give

Once again Turner Field opened its gates to host the largest Naturalization Ceremony in the State of Georgia to celebrate Citizenship Day and Constitution Day on September 17. Each year, on this date, our country celebrates the signing of the U.S. Constitution and Americans are encouraged to reflect on what it means to be a U.S. Citizen.

ATLANTA, GA - September 17: Atlanta Braves host Naturalization Ceremony at Turner Field on September 17, 2015 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo by Pouya Dianat/Pouya Creative/Atlanta Braves) *** Local Caption ***

In honor of Citizenship Day and Constitution Day, we hosted 500 candidates as they took the final step on their path to obtaining United States Citizenship. Candidates and their families lined up outside the gates of Turner Field bright and early and were greeted by Braves and United States Citizen Immigration Services (USCIS) staff as they entered the ballpark, many for the first time. Our candidates marveled at the green field and pulled out their cellphones to capture every moment. Many posed with our very own Lady Liberty, Homer the mascot posed for photos around the plaza, and at the sound of the bell, led the candidates to their seats.


USCIS Deputy Director, Joseph Kernan and Atlanta Field Director Brett Rinehart opened the ceremony and Braves President, John Schuerholz, gave a warm welcome and congratulations to everyone in attendance. In all, ninety-one countries were represented and each received a heartfelt cheer during the reading of each country. Mexico had the largest number of candidates with 31. As Mr. Kernan administered the Oath of Allegiance, there were tears of joy and lots of hugs throughout the audience. Braves bullpen coach, Eddie Perez, a newly naturalized citizen, lead the Pledge of Allegiance and at the conclusion, our newest citizens were congratulated by President Barack Obama, via video.

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Our new Braves Fans who walked out with bright smiles on their faces and a Coke in hand thanks to our friends at Coca-Cola. Many stopped by the League of Women Voter’s booth to complete their first task as new citizens — — register to vote! This was truly a memorable moment for these new United States Citizens as well as the entire Braves organization.

